Simply the perfect gift for anyone you love. This bouquet is created for specially to celebrate the new year, with naked strawberries and half coated strawberries with white chocolate coated with coconut shreds, artfully arranged in a custom keepsake pot. A romantic gift for birthdays, anniversaries, Valentine' Day and more!
Bouquet Size and Serving:
Small: Approximately 18-23 strawberries, recommended for 2-3 pax. Small sized hamper. ( Only available in gold pot)
Medium: Approximately 28-33 strawberries, recommended for 3-4 pax. Medium sized hamper ( Only available in white pot)
- Strawberry
- Shredded Coconut *Please check with recipient for any allergy issues prior order*
- White Chocolate
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Alternative Fruit Arrangements You May Like:
Additional Information:
- Rainbowly reserves the right to replace any item in the bouquet with another of equivalent value depending on availability.
- Number of berries might differ slightly based on sizes.
- Bouquet pot may vary slightly based on availability.
- For last minute/ same day orders, please email or Whatsapp us to check for availability before placing your order. We are always here to help!
- Visit our Facebook and Instagram for more photos! @rainbowlysg